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Chinese Church Voices

When Your Phone Becomes a Substitute for True Relationships

[…] understand that the opposite of addiction is not sobriety. It is connection. Humans are social animals—we were created for relationship. If we don’t experience a close relationship within our family we will seek out that connection with material things, with drugs, or with a multitude of other possible options.  Wenjun: Parents today feel helpless […]

Blog Entries

Islam has the largest number of under-30 believers in China?

Christian Today has posted an article with this headline: “Islam is the most popular religion for under-30s in China." The lead says: Islam has the largest number of young believers in China, new research has found, despite the growth of Christianity in the country and an atheist government. The China Religion Survey 2015, released […]

Blog Entries

The Chinese Church Does Missions (1) Within China

ChinaSource Summer School Session 4

[…] how Chinese gospel workers are going out in fulfillment of the great commission. Watch for it soon! The Unfinished Story of Living Waters The movement of migrants within China has proved to be a big opportunity for sharing the gospel. In this article from the spring 2022 CSQ, migrant church planter Tim Liang (pseudonym) […]

Blog Entries

Whispers from Within

Understanding China's Changes

[…] in-country networks and are helpful at pointing to resources that Chinese still in the country are leaning on. Chinese are still writing, processing, and sharing their insights within their own circles. I have tried to keep a close eye on Chinese social media networks and websites where they share their own writings. A lot […]


Campus Ministry within Mainland China

[…] But what about campus ministry? With all the stories about Chinese church growth, it is harder to find stories about the dynamic campus ministry that has developed within mainland Chinese churches. In this edition of ChinaSource Quarterly, we hear from several writers who have been intimately involved in the campus ministry there. Two of […]

Blog Entries

The End of Cheap China

[…] and Managing Director of the China Market Research Group, and he is also a frequent contributing commentator on Shaun's new book is titled The End of Cheap China. In the book, he interviews Chinese billionaires, senior government officials, migrant workers and even prostitutes to track China's evolution, leading to his insights on how […]

The Lantern

Now That China Is Number One

[…] schools outside. ChinaSource is helping to facilitate an ongoing dialog about how these entities can work together to write a new chapter in Christian education in China. 2015 promises to be a pivotal year as we grasp more clearly the nature and implications of China’s new role in the world economy. China’s economic growth […]

Blog Entries

The Final Number Is In!

Thanks to all our wonderful friends and donors, we are looking forward to what 2022 will bring with renewed energy for our kingdom calling.

Blog Entries

Be A Better Dad Today

A Book Review

Be a Better Dad Today: Ten Tools Every Father Needs by Gregory Slayton, Regal, 2012. Kindle version available from Amazon for $9.99; other formats also available.  成就好爸爸:男人一生最重要的工作 (Be a Better Dad Today, Chinese version), 2014. Kindle电子书version available from for¥4.99; other formats also available. Kindle电子书version available from for ¥3.99; other formats also available. Reviewed by Barney Ambassador.  Philanthropist.  Venture Capitalist.  Harvard Business School Professor.  […]

Supporting Article

A Place to Grow in Faith:

The Challenge of Developing Sustainable Faith Formation Programs in China

[…] a structured setting. In recent years, however, there has been a gradual rise of home-grown initiatives and program models adopted from overseas that are starting to change this situation. Nevertheless, challenges remain and the author looks at a number of reasons (beyond the more obvious political challenges) why the deepening of faith has been difficult.